Homage to Lacan

Papers of the Freudian and School of Melbourne

Volume 13, 1992
Australian Psychoanalytic Writings


Felicity Bagot, Linda Clifton, and David Pereira

Letter of Resignation
Oscar Zentner and María Inés Rotmiler de Zentner

David Pereira

Homage to Lacan

Lacan Ten Years after: Irruption or Cut?
Gustavo Ezequiel Etkin

Sade with Lacan
Linda Clifton

The Lacanian Thing or Psychoanalysis since Lacan
Marfa Inés Rotmiler de Zentner

Of Psychoanalysis - What is Transmitted is not Taught
Oscar Zentner

Psychoanalysis, Melbourne, 1991
Luis Riebl

Wo Es War, Soll Ich Werden: An Itinerary of Psychoanalytic Formation
David Pereira


The Discourse of Lacan - the Borromean Knot
Gustavo Ezequiel Etkin

The Unconscious in Freud and Lacan
Gustavo Ezequiel Etkin

Sexuality and Logic
Gustavo Ezequiel Etkin

The Lacanian Clinic
Gustavo Ezequiel Etkin

The Lacanian Discourse

Lacan's Seminar Charismatic or Analytical Teaching?
Joel Dor

The Structure of the Ego and the Psychoanalytic Institution
Ivan Corrêa

The Times
Erik Porge