Program of Formation

“... shouldn’t the true termination of an analysis - and by that I mean the kind that prepares you to become an analyst - in the end confront the one who undergoes it with the reality of the human condition?”– J. Lacan

The Freudian School of Melbourne is currently conducting preliminary interviews with those wishing to explore the possibility of undertaking a formation as a psychoanalyst.

The formation of analysts in the Freudian School of Melbourne involves the traditional tripartite structure of:

  • Access the directory of the Freudian School of Melbourne's clinical membership to find a clinical service or supervisor in your area. [More here]

  • For enquiries regarding psychoanalytic supervision at the Freudian School of Melbourne: [Click here]

  • For a list of theoretical seminars offered by members of the School [Click here]

Such a formation puts into effect the critique of psychoanalytic theory, training and practice initiated by Lacan and sustained today by institutions and Schools which recognise themselves within the field renovated by such a critique.

Taking its theoretical direction from the teachings of Freud and Lacan, the School’s seminar program also affords a serious study and critique of other major historical and contemporary psychoanalytic theorists and influential practitioners in the psychoanalysis of children and adults. In addition, such study includes the contributions made by disciplines pertinent to psychoanalysis, such as linguistics, mathematics, philosophy and literature.

Whilst candidates are generally expected to have recognized qualifications and experience in a clinical field such as that of psychiatry, social work, nursing or psychology, applicants with training or experience in other fields may be considered in certain circumstances.

For further information or to arrange a confidential interview, please telephone one of the Formation Committee:


Michael Plastow
P: (03) 93471486
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Convenor of Formation Committee

Megan Williams
☏ (+61)417 728 738
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Formation Committee

David Pereira
☏ (03) 9690 3515
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Director of the Freudian School of Melbourne

Linda Clifton
☏ (+61)421 979 496
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Director of the Freudian School of Melbourne

“... shouldn’t the true termination of an analysis - and by that I mean the kind that prepares you to become an analyst - in the end confront the one who undergoes it with the reality of the human condition?”– J. Lacan