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Felicity Bagot, Linda Clifton, and David Pereira

Papers of the Freudian School of Melbourne, Volume 13: Homage to Lacan, 1992.

The present volume of the Papers of The Freudian School of Melbourne appears for the first time under the editorship of Felicity Bagot, Linda Clifton and David Pereira. Since the inception of the Papers of The Freudian School of Melbourne in 1979, Oscar Zentner and María Inés Rotmiler de Zentner, founding Analysts of the School, assumed responsibility for the preparation and editorship of the book.

The last twelve volumes stand as eloquent testament to their work. In February 1992 Oscar Zentner and Maria Inés Rotmiler de Zentner resigned from The Freudian School of Melbourne. As a significant moment in the history of The School, their letter of resignation is published here. It is also a moment for The School to acknowledge its debt to these two analysts.

Notwithstanding this loss, the work of The School, psychoanalysis - sustaining a space which allows for the passage from transference to work - continues.

Felicity Bagot, Linda Clifton, David Pereira

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