Jean Allouch is a psychoanalyst practising in Paris. He was a member of the Ecole Freudienne de Paris until it was dissolved and is currently a member of the Ecole Lacanienne de Psychanalyse. He states: "Lacan, ni Freud ne furent un 'systeme de pensee'" (www.JeanAllouch. com). He has published extensively in French, Spanish, Portuguese, German and English, including papers in The Papers of the Freud- ian School of Melbourne and Lacan Love. Melbourne Seminars and other Works (Bookbound Publishers, 2007). At the Editions Epel, he super- vises the publishing of Les grands classiques de l'erotologie moderne which endeavors to introduce feminist and queer theory and gay and lesbian studies from North America into France.

Madeline Andrews is a member of the Freudian School of Melbourne, School of Lacanian Psychoanalysis. She works as a senior clinician and sec- ondary consultant to mental health services in Victoria, and in private psychoanalytic practice in Melbourne. Madeline has regularly presented papers at psychoanalytic seminars and conferences. She has published in Écritique: Letters of the Freudian School of Melbourne, School of Lacanian Psychoanalysis and in the Papers of the Freudian School of Melbourne. She is a co-editor of Écritique.



Papers of the Freudian School of Melbourne, Volume 24, Invention in the Real

Gabriel Balbo is a psychoanalyst and was previously a member of the Association Lacanienne Internationale. He subsequently founded, in 2005, Libre Association Freudienne. He is co-author with Jean Bergès of L'enfant et la psychoanalyse (The child and psychoanalysis), Jeu des places de la mère et l'enfant: essai sur le transitivisme (Game of the place of the mother and the child: essay on transitivism) and Psychose, autisme et défaillance cognitive chez l'enfant (Psychosis, autism and cognitive deficit in the child).

Jean Bergès, deceased in 2004, was a psychoanalyst, member of the Association Lacanienne Internationale, and child neuropsychiatrist at the Sainte-Anne hospital in Paris. He founded the École de la psychana- lyse de l'enfant à Paris under the auspices of the Association Lacanienne Internationale.

Linda Clifton is a psychoanalyst. She is an Analyst of the School, a former Director of the Freudian School of Melbourne and current Edi- tor of its Papers. Her psychoanalytic papers are published in the Papers of the Freudian School of Melbourne and in Ecritique, the Newsletter of the School.

Gustavo Etkin is originally from Argentina but has lived and practised as a psychoanalyst for many years in Salvador, in the state of Bahia in Brazil. There he was a founding member of the Escola Lacaniana da Bahia. Gustavo Etkin has published many papers in the field of psy- choanalysis. He is the author of Uma introdução a Lacan: o real e a metá- fora paterna (An introduction to Lacan: the real and the paternal metaphor). He has visited Melbourne on three ocasions as a guest speaker at the Freudian School of Melbourne's annual conference Homage to Lacan, each time presenting several public lectures. Many of these papers have been published in the Papers of the Freudian School of Melbourne. He is also an editor of the psychoanalytic journal Bord(a)s da psicanálise, based in Brazil.

Dr. Peter Gunn is a psychoanalyst who practises in both private and public settings. He is an Analyst Member of The Freudian School of Melbourne and also occupies the position of Secretary. He has pub- lished numerous psychoanalytic papers in the Papers of The Freudian School of Melbourne and elsewhere, and presents regularly in the vari- ous forums of the School. He has a background in mathematics and his initial professional training was as a social worker. As a psychoanalyst


he currently acts as clinical consultant to an innovative program which works intensively with those who are chronically homeless. He has a particular interest in perversion as well as the various littorals of psycho- analysis. He recently facilitated a seminar, Literature for Psychoanalysis.

Rodney Kleiman is a psychoanalyst. He is an Analyst of the School and Co-Director of the Freudian School of Melbourne. Originally trained as a psychiatrist, he now works predominantly in private analytic practice with an ongoing appointment as consultant with mental health services. He has published numerous articles in the Papers of the School and is a regular presenter at seminars and analytic conferences. He has a particular interest in the questions posed by psychosis and its poten- tial treatment.

Tine Norregaard Arroyo is a psychoanalyst working in private and public practice, and she is an Analyst Member of The Freudian School of Melbourne. She has trained with the Freudian School of Melbourne, Psykoanalytisk Kreds in Copenhagen and Centre for Freudian Analysis and Research, as well as with the Tavistock Clinic and the Group Ana- lytic Society in London. She is a regular presenter at the Seminar of the Freudian School of Melbourne, and has been an associate lecturer at the University of Copenhagen. In 1993 she was part of the initiative to found La Fondation Françoise Dolto in Bruxelles.

From 2000 to 2003 she was co-editor of Ecritique, the Newsletter of the Freudian School of Melbourne. Since 2007 she has been co- convenor of the monthly seminar Psychoanalysis and the Child together with Michael Plastow. She has published several psychoanalytic arti- cles in English, Danish and French, as well as a number of translations from French to English.

David Pereira is a psychoanalyst in private practice in Melbourne, Australia, where he is an Analyst of the School and is currently a Direc- tor of the Freudian School of Melbourne. He has written numerous articles on theoretical and clinical psychoanalysis published in both the Papers of the Freudian School of Melbourne and elsewhere and was formerly Consultant Psychoanalyst with the Alfred Hospital Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service, and Senior Clinician with the Department of Child Psychotherapy, Royal Childrens Hospital, Melbourne.


Michael Plastow is a psychoanalyst (Analyst of the School, the Freudian School of Melbourne) in private practice in Melbourne and is also a child psychiatrist at the Alfred Hospital. He has published numer- ous papers in the field of psychoanalysis in Australia and abroad. He has co-convened the seminar Psychoanalysis and the Child with Tine Norregaard Arroyo since 2007.

Michael Plastow has an interest in translation and has translated papers from French, Spanish and Portuguese into English. He has recently completed a revision of his translation of the seminar The Knowledge of the Psychoanalyst of Jacques Lacan.

Erik Porge is a psychoanalyst practising in Paris and a member of la lettre lacanienne, une école de la psychanalyse. He is editor of the journal Essaim and author of various works, including his most recent book Des fondements de la clinique psychanalytique (Foundations of the Psychoanalytic Clinic), published by Érès, Paris.

Dr. Christiane Weller, Senior Lecturer in German Studies, Monash University, Melbourne. She is a member of the Freudian School of Melbourne. School of Lacanian Psychoanalysis. She has published widely in the area of literature and psychoanalysis, particularly with regard to trauma, melancholia and psychosis. She is a co-editor of Limbus: Australisches Jahrbuch für germanistische Literatur—und Kulturwissen- schaft/Australian Yearbook of German Literary and Cultural Studies, and a co-editor of Ecritique. Letters of the Freudian School of Melbourne. School of Lacanian Psychoanalysis.

Oscar Zentner is a practising Lacanian Psychoanalyst trained in Argentina. He introduced Lacan's psychoanalytic ideas in Australia in 1977, when he co-founded the first School of Lacanian Psychoanalysis in the English speaking world. For several years he was co-founder and Editor of Papers of The Freudian School of Melbourne, the first psycho- analytic publication in Australia. He held his Lacanian Psychoanalytic Seminar for many years at Prince Henry's Hospital, Department of Psy- chological Medicine, Monash University. He is co-editor of the book Lacan Love—Melbourne seminars and other works by Jean Allouch, pub- lished by Lituraterre, Melbourne, 2007. He is co-author of the book El problema económico Freud, Buenos Aires Argentina, 1980; and author of the book A Escuta Psicanalitica-Efeitos de uma Etica, Recife, Brazil, 1995; and has also published numerous psychoanalytic articles in English, French, Portuguese and Spanish.
