Papers of the Freudian School of Melbourne, Volume 24: Invention in the Real
Chapter Eight: The child and seduction (Michael Plastow) Excerpt from "This Be The Verse" by Philip Larkin reproduced by kind permission of the publisher Faber and Faber Ltd. Taken from Col- lected Poems by Philip Larkin.
Chapter Twelve: The treatment setting: demand, transference and the contract with the parents and for their child (Jean Bergés and Gabriel Balbo)
The translation of the first half of Chapter 5 ("Le cadre de la cure: demande, transfert et contrat avec les parents et pour L'Enfant") of the book L'Enfant et la Psychanalyse: Nouvelles Perpectives (The Child and Psycho- analysis: New perspectives), 2nd edition, by (Jean Bergés and Gabriel Balbo), published by Masson, Paris, 1996, reproduced by kind permis- sion of the author Gabriel Balbo.
Chapter Twenty One: The Invention of Solitude-the invention of a style (Tine Norregaard Arroyo)
Excerpts from The Invention of Solitude by Paul Auster reproduced by kind permission of the publisher Faber and Faber Ltd.
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Chapter Twenty Three: The art of interpretation-drawing a line (David Pereira)
Excerpts from Looking Back at Francis Bacon by David Sylvester, © 2000 David Sylvester. Reprinted by kind permission of Thames & Hudson Ltd., London.
Excerpts from The Enduring Rip: A History of Queenscliffe published by Melbourne University Press, Melbourne, 2004, reprinted with kind permission of the author Barry Hill.
Images reproduced by kind permission of the artist David Beaumont.
Chapter Twenty Five: Erotics of mourning in a time of dry death (Jean Allouch)
Translation and publication of excerpts from Erotique du Deuil au Temps de la Mort Sèche carried out with the kind permission of the author Jean Allouch.
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