The Formations of the Unconscious
Papers of The Freudian School of Melbourne
Volume 10
The Formations of the Unconscious
The formations of the unconscious: jokes, lapsus linguae, lapsus calami, bungled actions, dreams, symptoms, are that discarded, transient matter that proves at its best why there is ground to qualify the unconscious as Freudian.
Part 1: Homage to Freud – The formations of the unconscious
Instance or agency in the unconscious
– Rob Gordon
It is better to joke than to hang
– Alan Large
Counter-transference: to counter the transference
– Linda Clifton
Nominal transformations and the formations of the unconscious
– David Pereira
From the formations of the unconscious to the unconscious as a formation
– Oscar Zentner
Brain, mind and language – Freud on aphasia
– Luis Riebl
The structure of the laconic wit
– Felicity Bagot
Part 2: Seminars of the Freudian School of Melbourne on literature
The hidden pattern; Virginia Woolf and The Waves
– Carolyn Parker
Part 3: The Freudian Discourse
Perturbation in Pernepsy
– Jean Allouch
– Héctor Rúpolo