Psychosis: Who Speaks?

Papers of The Freudian School of Melbourne

Volume 16

It may be said that Lacanian psychoanalysis emerges in the marking of a difference. The marking of a difference through which Lacan differentiates his working of the radicalism of the Freudian discovery from that of post- Freudianism, with its taste for populist appeal. That marking of a difference through which Lacan declares, in a given moment, that the unconscious is of Lacan, though the field be Freudian.

Psychosis: Who Speaks?


Part 1: On Psychosis

The Proper Name and the common name
– Nati Sangiau

From presentation to structure
– Jane Hopper

Failure of the imaginary in psychosis
– Ron Ingram

Psychosis: a question of demand
– Rod Kleiman

Psychosis, society and the signifier of the body
– Rob Gordon

On a dialectic of doubt preliminary to the possibility of a subject in psychosis
– David Pereira

Part 2: The Lacanian Discourse

Nothing returns from the real: the structure of psychosis
– Gustavo Ezequiel Etkin

Transference and speech in the clinic of the psychoses
– Gustavo Ezequiel Etkin

Presentation of the analyst: preliminary interviews with psychotic subjects
– Gustavo Ezequiel Etkin

Delusion and hallucination: who speaks
– Gustavo Ezequiel Etkin

Manic depression neurosis
– Izabel Cristina Borba Pedreira

Words are blown away by the wind
– Humphrey Bower