Lacanian psychoanalytic seminars in Melbourne
These courses provide participants with a rigorous working of the fundamental concepts underpinning Freudian and Lacanian theory and clinical practice. They forms an important component of the theoretical aspect of the training of analysts and the ongoing work of the analysts of the school.
The Foundations of Psychoanalysis
Psychoanalysis, Philosophy & Theology
My Barbaric Yawp
In Consideration of Anguish
Reading Seminars
Clinical Services & Training
The Clinical Services of The Freudian School of Melbourne offer a single point of access for Lacanian psychoanalytic treatment in Melbourne and Geelong. Members are experienced Lacanian psychoanalysis practitioners, including professionals from psychiatry, psychology, social work, and nursing.
Psychoanalysis IN MELBOURNE
Clinical Directory
Access the directory of the Freudian School of Melbourne's clinical membership to find a clinical service or supervisor in your area.
Melbourne School of Lacanian Psychoanalysis
The Freudian School of Melbourne is currently conducting preliminary interviews with those wishing to explore the possibility of undertaking a formation as a psychoanalyst. The formation of analysts in the Freudian School of Melbourne involves the traditional tripartite structure of: (i) personal analysis, (ii) clinical supervision (iii) the study of analytic theory and clinical practice.
Program of Formation
For further information or to arrange a confidential interview, please telephone one of the Formation Committee:
Australian Psychoanalytic Writings
In his preface to the English Language edition of Seminar XI Lacan writes the following: I would mention that, as always, I am entangled in urgent cases as I write this. I write, however, in so far as I feel I must, in order to be on a level (au pair) with these cases, to make a pair with them.
Papers of
the Freudian School of Melbourne
Letters of the Freudian School of Melbourne
écritique is the electronic journal of The Freudian School: School of Lacanian Psychoanalysis, presenting a growing collection of freely accessible writings on Lacanian psychoanalysis.
Melbourne and Geelong
Each clinical member of The Freudian School of Melbourne works in their own style according to the ethics of psychoanalysis and in answer to the particular demand brought by each individual seeking treatment. For the purpose of an assessment the clinician will initially conduct several interviews with the client. After discussion a psychoanalytic treatment may then be offered. Alternatively, other treatment options may be suggested.
Psychoanalysis Melbourne
Clinical Directory
Access the directory of the Freudian School of Melbourne's clinical membership to find a clinical service or supervisor in your area.